Ugo Ziliani

Ugo with a wonderful speciment of  Nile soft-shelled Turtle (Trionyx triunguis) - Lake Turkana, Kenya

Naturalist and photographer amateur.

Graduated in Natural Sciences at the University of Pavia, since 1994 he is structured in a Limited Liability Company, Platypus s.r.l. as President. In the field of Animal Ecology he is an enthusiastic expert in herpetology and as such he has carried out several studies on the ecology of the Amphibians and Reptiles in Italy and in arid and semi arid environments of Kenya and most recently in Yemen and Tanzania, contributing with important results.


His professional skills are grown along the past 20 years of collaboration with Public Administrations, Parks and University Institutions studying and managing game and wildlife.














Ugo at the Sibiloi National Park - Lake Turkana, Kenya
















Museography and Wildlife Management